Friday, May 9, 2014

Dealing with Rejection is a Matter of Perspective

Dealing with Rejection is a Matter of Perspective

When it comes to dealing with rejection, it is all a matter of perspective. Perspective will get you far in life! In sales, I expect people to say yes. But when I get the "no's", I am reminded that I am that much closer to the next "yes"

Know the statistics of your business and industry. It is a numbers game. If the stats say that for every 100 nos the average person gets 6 to say yes. Then look at it like you need to go out and get the 100 nos in order to get the yes. With this perspective, a "no" is not as discouraging, it is motivating to know that you are that much closer to your goal. 

I love that pro baseball players understand the numbers game too but don't get discouraged. If a player goes to bat 10 times and strikes out 7 times...his batting average would be .300 and he would be making millions and millions even when he has to get 7 "nos" to get 3 to say "yes". 

When people say no...the key is not to take it personally. Women take it much more personal than guys do. I hope to change that thinking. Will you all help me change that? When I hear a "no"...I just hear a "not right now, but please try me later when I am more open minded" This perspective allows me to keep love in my heart which keeps a desire to serve them again in the future.

Dealing with rejection is a matter of perspective

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