Sunday, October 26, 2014

Put Down Your Phone, Look UP, and GET A LIFE

Put Down Your Phone, Look up, & GET A LIFE!

The amount of time that parents spend with each other and with children these days worries me. But do we really even have much time? I mean we need 2 hours a day on email, 60 min on Facebook, 30 min on Pinterest. 30 min on Twitter, 60 min watching bloopers on YouTube. And oh yeah, gotta get in an episode of the Voice AND the Bachelor. Don't think this is a children started with us as adults. And it must end there too if we want our kids to have a chance of even knowing how to communicate in the real world someday.

Put down your phone & watch this powerful video with almost 50 million views

It will make you re-think how much technology you want in your life!

Families are spending too much time using technology and not enough talking around the dinner table. Parents are letting ‘screens take over’ from date night, family time, and even personal time for self reflection, spiritual nourishment, or doing an act of service for another. I'm sure there are times when kids are disappointed because they haven’t been able to do something or see something. But isn't that what being a parent is all about?

written by Dave Nabrotzky

The Secret to Making Progress

The Secret to Making Progress:

The secret is realizing that life is not an elevator. It is a staircase where you progress step by step as you make the effort to climb. So why is it that you want quick and easy things as if you can go from the basement to the presidential suite in one overnight step?

In the business world, you may seek money and promotion...but with that additional responsibility comes a greater need to be able to handle a higher level of pressure, problems, conflict, criticism, and opposition that comes with it. So God has designed it that we move in steps. And each step we advance and then balance ourselves and prepare to move again. Sometimes life will offer you a blessing of taking a few steps in the same stride, but you may not ready because you still perceive yourself as being too far down the stairs or you have too much fear to take the leap. It is possible that our gifts and talents can sometimes take us places that our mind is not ready for, that our self-perception isn't ready for, and even that our character isn't ready for  

Stop putting so much pressure to go so fast. Although you think you want to take 10 steps with each stride, I have found I get more progress in life step by step...and as I am patient, humble, stop complaining, and an willing to do my part to make the effort and never give up...the Lord will guide you and give you the strength to rise up the stairs faster than you could have ever imagined. But first you imagine yourself getting to the top of the stairs and not envisioning yourself getting 1/2 up the stairs and falling back 4 steps. 

WARNING...If you get complacent on a step and run into a challenge then it can push you back enough that you fall backward in the wrong direction. However, if you are focused on progress, and keep trying each day, you will have forward momentum even if in the smallest way. During a difficult and overwhelming trial sometimes we you trip...but if you try daily and don't ever stand still on that step...that way....

In closing, if you find yourself, for whatever reason, feeling like you keep falling down the steps and life gives you blow after blow, heartache after heartache ...I hope this video gives the peace and hope to turn your circumstances into a beautiful heartbreak and never stop trying to taking that single step forward.

written by Dave Nabrotzky: mialisia designer, father, husband, friend, child of God, "step-taker"

Interested to help our fundraising efforts and be a lighthouse in the world? Contact Us

Buy Hilary's new album 'Every Step' at

Or purchase "Beautiful Heartbreak" on iTunes at: 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Powerful Beyond Measure

Powerful Beyond Measure

My are more powerful than you ever could ever begin to imagine! Powerful people recognize potential in people, and people of potential recognize power when they see it. I SEE IT! I don't just say that because I am your upline. If I was your downline or on the other side of the line...I would still see it. Do you? Do you see the power within you and within others? Or have you let life blur your perspective...the lens for which you look thru?

patience blurred vision
patience women putting in contact

When you look at this you see a mouse...or a lion? Both images are within the same picture

patience you are powerful beyond measure

Perception is our reality, right? I have found that life is a discovery, a journey, a develop the ability to see ourselves as we really are. To see ourselves as God sees us. To look thru our spiritual eyes and see our inner beauty and infinite worth.

May you all have success in your Mialisia business today. But more importantly...may you all start seeing the real you are more powerful than you could ever begin to have imagined! Not only is it possible to have your dream...but it is necessary that you have it, that you work on it, that you develop it, that you go for it...that you connect with that purpose for which you were created for.
mialisia lighthouse


Connect with Dave Nabrotzky on LinkedIn or follow the Mialisia blog

Thursday, June 19, 2014

One of the Most Important Parenting Tips I Can Offer

Of all the parenting advice I can muster...this is one of the most important and far reaching topics I can share in helping our youth reach their potential and avoid pitfalls. Please read this, internalize this, and share this

Good luck Moms and Dads...I know this is a tough one over the years

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Time Management for Busy Women

Time Management for Busy Women

Oh no, not another time management message. What's wrong? Don't have time for it? Exactly...the problem is not in the message, perhaps the problem is within you with struggling to implement vital information. I will give you a chance...will you give me a chance and hear me out for a few minutes? If not, thanks for visiting my site for 30 seconds and good luck to you in your life as you go right back to the same ole you getting the same ole results. For the rest, thanks for hanging in there. I believe this will be of great value if you read intently and then do something about what you learn. 

time management

Time Management is more about Priorities than about Appointments

Have you ever realized and actually accounted for every hour of your day? Try it for one week. Keep a journal or note pad on your desk and literally every hour document what you specifically did. It will surprise you at the end of the week. Calendering and scheduling your day is not as much about the appointments and time that things begin and end. Calendaring and planning is about deciding what your priorities should be and then evaluating at the end of the day how well you did and where you can improve. The challenge for most moms (and anyone for that matter) who are also business owners is that you have no one to hold you accountable. You often choose to have yourself hold you accountable and therefore you are too gentle on yourself when you are inefficient and ineffective. So you develop some "bad habits of highly unsuccessful people".

My family decided 45 days ago to turn off our cable and not watch any more TV. At first, I freaked. How do I not end the day with some Modern family and Jimmy Fallen? But I soon realized I saved over 10-15 hours a week that I could instead read inspiring books, work my business more, have time with my family, etc.  I don't miss TV at all. Small sacrifice we are making as we start this business and make the most of it...each hour of each day!

Many of you think you are horrible with time management and that you never complete your to-do lists and that there are never enough hours in the day. But I submit that you dont have a time management issue. You work very hard each day. Your problem is that you schedule and plan 32 hours of work in a 24 hour day. No matter how efficient you plan too much. Try to separate in your life the urgent from the non-urgent, the critical from the non-critical, and you will see you simply need to get rid of trying to accomplish too much of the minutia.

But Dave you just said to make the most of every hour and minute. Yes I did, I am not saying be lazier. I am smarter and stop spreading yourself so thin. It is exhausting and discouraging when you live every day of your life feeling like you never accomplish things. You say yes to everything and everyone. You are too nice and accommodating. You need to get better at saying no. You need to get better at not trying to help every single person. It is impossible. Heck, you can get so caught up in work that you neglect your family and spiritual and mental needs. May you be blessed to have a fresh outlook and take one step at the time and I promise you can get a lot of critical things in a 24 hour time frame.

Author, Dave Nabrotzky, Independent Business Owner with Mialisia. 
Connect with him on Linkedin and Google+

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day - Mialisia Jewelry | Mialisia Jewelry

Happy Mother's Day - Mialisia Jewelry | Mialisia Jewelry

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

You deserve respect, love, appreciation, admiration, and much, much more. But near the very top you deserve to laugh and enjoy the privilege and craziness of Motherhood. May this short song bring a smile to your face and may you know that mom's are truly the greatest and most valuable thing on earth and heaven!

mialisia happy mothers day

A tribute to mothers everywhere...YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!

mialisia happy mothers day

A Mother's Love

There are times when only a mother's love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappoints
And calm all of our fears.

There are times when only a mother's love
Can share the joy we feel
When something we've dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.

There are times when only a mother's faith
Can help us on life's way
And inspire in us the confidence
We need from day to day.

For a mother's heart and a mother's faith
And a mother's steadfast love
Were fashioned by the angels
And sent from God above.

--Author Unknown

Friday, May 9, 2014

Dealing with Rejection is a Matter of Perspective

Dealing with Rejection is a Matter of Perspective

When it comes to dealing with rejection, it is all a matter of perspective. Perspective will get you far in life! In sales, I expect people to say yes. But when I get the "no's", I am reminded that I am that much closer to the next "yes"

Know the statistics of your business and industry. It is a numbers game. If the stats say that for every 100 nos the average person gets 6 to say yes. Then look at it like you need to go out and get the 100 nos in order to get the yes. With this perspective, a "no" is not as discouraging, it is motivating to know that you are that much closer to your goal. 

I love that pro baseball players understand the numbers game too but don't get discouraged. If a player goes to bat 10 times and strikes out 7 times...his batting average would be .300 and he would be making millions and millions even when he has to get 7 "nos" to get 3 to say "yes". 

When people say no...the key is not to take it personally. Women take it much more personal than guys do. I hope to change that thinking. Will you all help me change that? When I hear a "no"...I just hear a "not right now, but please try me later when I am more open minded" This perspective allows me to keep love in my heart which keeps a desire to serve them again in the future.

Dealing with rejection is a matter of perspective

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How would you score in Will-Power vs Heart-Power?

We have heard many times the importance of will power, defined by Wikipedia as "the ability of a person to exert his/her will over the inhibitions of their body or self". The study of will power demonstrating this are rather ingenious. 

Here are two tips from the studies:
  1. Anticipate and plan for your times of low self-control. Now that you know that self-control is a limited resource and that depleting it means less for later, you can do some anticipating and planning. For example, make sure that you’re not in the chips and cookies aisle of the grocery store after a long day at work. Don’t start on your tax return after a frustrating commute.
  2. Exercise your willpower muscle to get more of it. Roy Baumeister, one of the leading researchers in this field, thinks that willpower is like a muscle. Exercising a muscle in the short-term leads to its exhaustion. In the long-term, though, exercising a muscle causes it to grow. In fact, there is some good evidence that exercising your willpower, though temporarily depleting, means that it will be stronger in the long run. So, push yourself. 
 But more important than will-power is our "heart-power". 

Heart-Power can be defined as the passion and motivation within your soul that drives one to help another and connect with them.  In sales (and in life), our success is usually proportionate with our ability to connect with others.

For all the studies and research out there on how to harness will power...I wish there were 10x the studies of how to tap into and harness the power with the human heart. It is there where we find deep spirituality. It is there where we find kindness and charity. Charity is defined as the pure love of Christ. I would argue that the Savior perfectly blended will power and heart power. He had the discipline in his mind to fast 40 days and nights...yet he also had the discipline in his heart to forgive the unforgivable and to love the unlovable.

So what can you do to tap into the power of your heart? Sure you can teach your co-workers, or even children for that matter, how to have the discipline and work hard to drive their paycheck or next promotion. But how do you teach them to have discipline in their heart to love, serve, and help others....even when it is inconvenient or doesn't serve a temporal benefit? Submit your comments and ideas below.

written by Dave Nabrotzky, Mialisia Executive National Designer