Friday, December 20, 2013

Introduction to the Lighthouse Series...For the Strength of Women

I am excited to launch:
“The Lighthouse Series”

My goal is simple…to enrich your life, remind you of your divine inner beauty/value, and strengthen women around the world thru humor and spiritual nourishment. For you are the Lighthouses and I believe our paths have crossed for a divine purpose. We must discover what that is. 

I have invited some incredible writers and industry experts to join me in this journey. We will take the daily struggles I have heard for many years as a businessman, a Christian pastor, a marriage counselor, and now as a Mialisia Executive where I get the privilege to be in an almost entirely women industry. Yes, on the surface, I am a fish out of water. However, I know of a great Fisherman who knew best how to solve all the problems of our time. (Matthew 4:19)

So let me be very clear that this blog will not shy away from tying in spiritual principles that I have learned through my studies of the scriptures and my attempt each day to be a disciple of Christ. For every dilemma/question/hopeless situation we discuss in this forum is simply a storm encircling your ship. But I express confidence that the Savior is the perfect Lighthouse to help all of us to more stable waters and can somehow give us peace and hope in the journey at sea. After all, he not only wants to teach you how to fish...but be needs each of you to be a lighthouse for Him. 

Among the great lessons of life about overcoming depression, how to raise kids and still not go completely insane, how to balance being a mom, a wife, a taxi driver, a chef, an entrepreneur, a nurse, etc. we do want to learn lots her and be uplifted but please allow me to involve some humor into sometimes serious topics. After all, laughter is one of the best vitamins we can take in mental health prevention and treatment. 

If you find this helpful…please help be a lighthouse and not only subscribe to this blog, but share it with others thru social media. God bless you incredible women! You are incredible and I have the utmost confidence in you that with you and the Lord nothing is impossible! (Luke 1:37)

I confess that I have one minor weakness that you women don't have...I am a guy. So although I do not understand fully what it is like to be in your shoes, I consider myself empathetic and hope to be able to add a new perspective.

I admit I am not the best either at asking for directions just like your man....but I am not afraid to be candid and open and real in my opinions. I will offer some soothing hints at times but some tough love too on rare occasion. I do try to stay away from much of that because I have learned many things being around moms....the first don't give yourselves enough credit and you are way too tough on yourself. So let's learn and grow in spiritual strength, mental toughness, and find ways to better tap into the greatest asset and most powerful thing in this entire world.....the heart of a mother. 

Let's enjoy this journey and know there is hope and laughter in our futures....

Copyright 2013 by author, Dave Nabrotzky, 

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