Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How would you score in Will-Power vs Heart-Power?

We have heard many times the importance of will power, defined by Wikipedia as "the ability of a person to exert his/her will over the inhibitions of their body or self". The study of will power demonstrating this are rather ingenious. 

Here are two tips from the studies:
  1. Anticipate and plan for your times of low self-control. Now that you know that self-control is a limited resource and that depleting it means less for later, you can do some anticipating and planning. For example, make sure that you’re not in the chips and cookies aisle of the grocery store after a long day at work. Don’t start on your tax return after a frustrating commute.
  2. Exercise your willpower muscle to get more of it. Roy Baumeister, one of the leading researchers in this field, thinks that willpower is like a muscle. Exercising a muscle in the short-term leads to its exhaustion. In the long-term, though, exercising a muscle causes it to grow. In fact, there is some good evidence that exercising your willpower, though temporarily depleting, means that it will be stronger in the long run. So, push yourself. 
 But more important than will-power is our "heart-power". 

Heart-Power can be defined as the passion and motivation within your soul that drives one to help another and connect with them.  In sales (and in life), our success is usually proportionate with our ability to connect with others.

For all the studies and research out there on how to harness will power...I wish there were 10x the studies of how to tap into and harness the power with the human heart. It is there where we find deep spirituality. It is there where we find kindness and charity. Charity is defined as the pure love of Christ. I would argue that the Savior perfectly blended will power and heart power. He had the discipline in his mind to fast 40 days and nights...yet he also had the discipline in his heart to forgive the unforgivable and to love the unlovable.

So what can you do to tap into the power of your heart? Sure you can teach your co-workers, or even children for that matter, how to have the discipline and work hard to drive their paycheck or next promotion. But how do you teach them to have discipline in their heart to love, serve, and help others....even when it is inconvenient or doesn't serve a temporal benefit? Submit your comments and ideas below.

written by Dave Nabrotzky, Mialisia Executive National Designer  www.HookedOnMia.com