Monday, July 6, 2015

ARE YOU feeling beautiful today?

Feeling beautiful is a personal choice women should feel empowered to make for themselves, every day.

According to a study conducted by Dove, 96% of women said they wouldn’t choose the word “beautiful” to describe themselves — although about 80% said there is something beautiful about them.

Ladies...begin to see yourself how God sees you! As you do, there will be a light in your eyes that not only brightens your life, but will serve as a lighthouse to all those around you. Thank you, Dove, for putting this short video together.

Spirituality is so much more than going to church. Spirituality is a 'state' of the relationship you have with God. So how do you develop this in a world where the culture attempts to define your worth and beauty? 

For me, it is through self-reflection, personal prayer, and daily reading of the word of God. These things cause me to witness the perfect example and to reflect how God thinks/sees and how God  spent his life helping others to believe in themselves and know of their infinite worth.
feeling beautiful mialisia infinite worth
My spirituality grows proportionately with my ability to see the world, but more importantly...myself...thru the same lens that God looks thru. This feeling of being a "spiritual" person seems to deepen as I learn about the Savior and focus on being more 'intentional' with my daily choices and what I allow to shape my lens. 

I can be my own worst enemy at times and the adversary knows this. If we allow him to destroy us mentally by planting untrue seeds in our mind that we are 'average...then we make his job easy. Stop watering those ungodly seeds! There is less need for the devil to even tempt us with sin if we take ourselves out of the game thru mental self-destruction. He wants us to think that we are just one out of 5 billion people and that we have 'disposable worth', meaning that if we disappeared...the world would hardly skip a beat. 

I want you to know that:

This is why you must develop your relationship with God and make it a focus to become a more spiritual person. As you will find greater happiness because in this will be reminded HOW SIGNIFICANT AND BEAUTIFUL YOU REALLY ARE!

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

feeling beautiful

I hope you are feeling beautiful today. It is a choice. You decide what lens you will look thru!


About the Author - husband of 18 years, father of 7, and an independent Youngevity Team Diamond distributor Add Dave Nabrotzky-Youngevity to your Google+ Circles

#youngevity #bethechange

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Key To Vision and Staying On Track

The Key To Vision and Staying On Track

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he" (Proverbs 29:18)

puzzle visionCan you imagine trying to do a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle without the ability to first see and often study the picture it is that you are trying to put back together? Sounds crazy, right? 

Dr Stephen Covey says, "Good families, even great families, are off track 90% of the time! THE KEY is that they have a SENSE OF DESTINATION! They know what the 'track' looks like. It doesn't make a difference if we are off target at times or even if our families are a mess. THE HOPE lies in the vision and in the flight plan and in the courage to keep coming back time and time again"

VisionBut what if even that hope is lost? What if your "baggage" is so overwhelming and you just cant lift it anymore? Here are a couple more of Covey's principles. First, make sure you don't compare yourself and your situation to another. No one will ever know your real situation, and until you feel that they do, their advice is worthless. Second, the awesome thing about vision is that it is greater than baggage. Let me say that again. Your ability to envision the future, a better future, is much more powerful than whatever ugliness has accumulated in the past or whatever situation you are confronting in the present

compassPoints to ponder:

Whether you are pondering the vision of your business, your marriage, your family, or whatever, you must create buy-in as that vision must be shared by everyone or at least your immediate circle of influences. When your destination is clear, it allows you to keep coming back to the flight plan time and time again for course corrections. In fact, the journey is really part of the destination. They are inseparably connected. How you travel is as important as where you arrive.

See yourself and others for who they can become, not for what they have been or even what they currently are. Envision your business and relationships as succeeding, even if they are in a state of failure and despair. You can't let your current reality rob you of your future. Don't say, "that's just the way it is". Never underestimate the power of your thoughts
Ghandhi quote vision

I believe YOU are the creative force of your own life and that through your example and leadership you can become an agent of change in your business and personal life! My prayer is that each of you will recognize your gifts and develop your talents/abilities to bring about 'good' all around you!! YOU...YES YOU!!... are specifically blessed with uniqueness and gifts. Now go and discover what those are and then share it! 

by Dave Nabrotzky, Mialisia Executive National Designer

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Put Down Your Phone, Look UP, and GET A LIFE

Put Down Your Phone, Look up, & GET A LIFE!

The amount of time that parents spend with each other and with children these days worries me. But do we really even have much time? I mean we need 2 hours a day on email, 60 min on Facebook, 30 min on Pinterest. 30 min on Twitter, 60 min watching bloopers on YouTube. And oh yeah, gotta get in an episode of the Voice AND the Bachelor. Don't think this is a children started with us as adults. And it must end there too if we want our kids to have a chance of even knowing how to communicate in the real world someday.

Put down your phone & watch this powerful video with almost 50 million views

It will make you re-think how much technology you want in your life!

Families are spending too much time using technology and not enough talking around the dinner table. Parents are letting ‘screens take over’ from date night, family time, and even personal time for self reflection, spiritual nourishment, or doing an act of service for another. I'm sure there are times when kids are disappointed because they haven’t been able to do something or see something. But isn't that what being a parent is all about?

written by Dave Nabrotzky

The Secret to Making Progress

The Secret to Making Progress:

The secret is realizing that life is not an elevator. It is a staircase where you progress step by step as you make the effort to climb. So why is it that you want quick and easy things as if you can go from the basement to the presidential suite in one overnight step?

In the business world, you may seek money and promotion...but with that additional responsibility comes a greater need to be able to handle a higher level of pressure, problems, conflict, criticism, and opposition that comes with it. So God has designed it that we move in steps. And each step we advance and then balance ourselves and prepare to move again. Sometimes life will offer you a blessing of taking a few steps in the same stride, but you may not ready because you still perceive yourself as being too far down the stairs or you have too much fear to take the leap. It is possible that our gifts and talents can sometimes take us places that our mind is not ready for, that our self-perception isn't ready for, and even that our character isn't ready for  

Stop putting so much pressure to go so fast. Although you think you want to take 10 steps with each stride, I have found I get more progress in life step by step...and as I am patient, humble, stop complaining, and an willing to do my part to make the effort and never give up...the Lord will guide you and give you the strength to rise up the stairs faster than you could have ever imagined. But first you imagine yourself getting to the top of the stairs and not envisioning yourself getting 1/2 up the stairs and falling back 4 steps. 

WARNING...If you get complacent on a step and run into a challenge then it can push you back enough that you fall backward in the wrong direction. However, if you are focused on progress, and keep trying each day, you will have forward momentum even if in the smallest way. During a difficult and overwhelming trial sometimes we you trip...but if you try daily and don't ever stand still on that step...that way....

In closing, if you find yourself, for whatever reason, feeling like you keep falling down the steps and life gives you blow after blow, heartache after heartache ...I hope this video gives the peace and hope to turn your circumstances into a beautiful heartbreak and never stop trying to taking that single step forward.

written by Dave Nabrotzky: mialisia designer, father, husband, friend, child of God, "step-taker"

Interested to help our fundraising efforts and be a lighthouse in the world? Contact Us

Buy Hilary's new album 'Every Step' at

Or purchase "Beautiful Heartbreak" on iTunes at: 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Powerful Beyond Measure

Powerful Beyond Measure

My are more powerful than you ever could ever begin to imagine! Powerful people recognize potential in people, and people of potential recognize power when they see it. I SEE IT! I don't just say that because I am your upline. If I was your downline or on the other side of the line...I would still see it. Do you? Do you see the power within you and within others? Or have you let life blur your perspective...the lens for which you look thru?

patience blurred vision
patience women putting in contact

When you look at this you see a mouse...or a lion? Both images are within the same picture

patience you are powerful beyond measure

Perception is our reality, right? I have found that life is a discovery, a journey, a develop the ability to see ourselves as we really are. To see ourselves as God sees us. To look thru our spiritual eyes and see our inner beauty and infinite worth.

May you all have success in your Mialisia business today. But more importantly...may you all start seeing the real you are more powerful than you could ever begin to have imagined! Not only is it possible to have your dream...but it is necessary that you have it, that you work on it, that you develop it, that you go for it...that you connect with that purpose for which you were created for.
mialisia lighthouse


Connect with Dave Nabrotzky on LinkedIn or follow the Mialisia blog

Thursday, June 19, 2014

One of the Most Important Parenting Tips I Can Offer

Of all the parenting advice I can muster...this is one of the most important and far reaching topics I can share in helping our youth reach their potential and avoid pitfalls. Please read this, internalize this, and share this

Good luck Moms and Dads...I know this is a tough one over the years